In a nutshell

Our talent
Our businesses
Here’s just a snapshot of the 35 freelances and small businesses who worked directly with our young people:

Impact of our programmes
Here is a snapshot of the positive impact our programmes have on the young people we have supported. Click on the + to view stories and testimonials from individuals.
Short-term*, our graduates:
One of our graduates key learnings was around coming to terms with their disability, as well as discovering their worth and value and realizing the time, treatment and help they deserve.
“I feel better equipped to get the work I want but there's always going to be a bit of doubt. But now I have started applying for things I know I want as opposed to wasting time on other applications for things like Poundland. I want to go for future jobs that have flexibility and give me freedom to explore and work on my art practice alongside which this programme has given me... Prior to my time on CF, I feel I was made to believe society’s impression on the arts remaining as a hobby and not as a ‘proper job”.”
"I feel like I’ve formed good relationships with people I wouldn’t have otherwise met.. its been a good space to reconnect with compassion and empathy.. It was a small group and we were able to form deeper connections and we've been tender with the way that we've done that.”
“What was getting in the way [or me getting the work I want] was not being in the [creative] industry and not knowing anyone. With just a college education, warehouse work was the only option in my head. Now, I have a new perspective and knowledge on how to set up and start my own creative business.. through the workshops, I learnt so much about what I would have to prepare for running a small business, like funding, taxes etc. Having the workshops in person and having someone on location and able to answer questions helped a lot. I tried to do this research before I started this job but the online information was overwhelming.”
“I had a goal before the programme, I didn't know how i would achieve it, I think I do now, I have a whole plan on Notion for Mad Truth.. This is the first time in my life i was paid to be creative and people encouraged my ideas because we share our ideas and want to make the world a better place. I want to take the way I've been treated at CF and treat people with the same compassion and patience."
Our cohort specifically stressed the impact being paid a London Living Wage had on their life:
"I used money from this job for equipment, and once I start my own business I will be set up and won't have to spend a big amount outright on these things."
"I've been able to create a Help to Buy ISA and put money in there.”
"..when I met potential clients I was able to buy them a coffee."
".. I was able to pay off my student overdraft.."
*testimonials taken from our 2021/22 Creative Futures cohort, in the last week of Collaborative Future’s programme
Long-term*, our alumni:
"I have found a truly great work place that matches my values and I feel like a respected team member. CF taught me to look for these qualities alongside other parts of the job description and I definitely believe CF made me believe these places exist despite my bad experiences in certain roles."
"If I didn’t do the CF initiative, I don’t think I would have ever considered my role and the industry I am in. This industry definitely pays significantly more for my skills than the one I was in before and brings me more career satisfaction. It’s not just about the money but looking back I was severely underpaid for the amount of stress and work I was doing compared to how happy and appreciated I am now."
"As I'm now working in a global company, my network has increased exponentially. However, my time at CF taught me that connecting with people isn't something to be feared, but rather something that can help you grow and develop."
"I support EmpowerHer*Voice, an organisation dedicated to championing women's voices globally."
"I was recently volunteering with Caritas, working with migrants on improving their spoken English skills."
"I am able to be more flexible at work which accommodates my needs and my work boundaries.. I don’t feel pressure to fit into a certain mould and CF definitely helped me set these boundaries and I am glad I could take them to my current workplace."
*testimonials taken from our 2021 cohort, one year after leaving Collaborative Future’s programme
Stories from our community